Hello. It's december, and what do you know, my notebook is running out of pages. That's how I know another year's gone by.
This night I harken back to another dark December night ten years ago at 412 Griffin Ave. in Williamsburg, VA...I wrote..."Here's an idea...get an apprenticeship with a mandolin builder..."
It was shuffled in among grocery lists (oatmeal, bananas, beer) schedules and other miscellany, but kept bubbling to the top of my mind as graduation approached, inexorably.
Wow...Ten years later, my lutherie dream and career has...just begun.
I've completed my training in two stages, and now have my own shop (yes the blog shop tour is long overdue). I've designed a new style of mandolin that I intend to refine and promote, and the music is being played, yes it is...
I am honored to have the chance to experience music in this way, and to change it in a subtle yet important manner.
Thank you all, who have been involved in this in some way.